
$300.00 & Free Shipping

  • Impressive Success Rate: TSB boasts a staggering success rate of over 90% on Nike SNKRS across various regions, making it one of the top bots for sneaker enthusiasts.
  • Global Coverage: The bot supports purchases in over 50 Nike SNKRS regions worldwide, from the United States to Korea and beyond, allowing users to tap into various markets and maximize their chances of copping desired releases.
  • Feature-Rich Experience: TSB offers several unique tools to enhance user success, including mass task creation, an address jigger to avoid order cancellations, a dedicated account checker, and a speedy multi-threaded checkout process.
  • Comprehensive Support: Apart from supporting both SNKRS and FCFS Nike releases, TSB offers tools like the Address Jigger and Account Checker, ensuring users are well-prepared for every drop.
  • Affordable Investment: Priced at $300.00 per year, TSB provides a premium service that, given its success rate and feature set, offers good value for money to serious sneaker enthusiasts.

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In the dynamic world of sneaker reselling, where drops sell out in seconds, having an efficient bot can be the difference between copping that exclusive pair and facing disappointment. TheShitBot (TSB) has been making waves in this arena, promising sneakerheads an edge over the competition. Let's delve into a comprehensive review of TSB and its offerings.

A Sneakerhead's Dream

TSB markets itself as the ultimate solution for anyone aiming to purchase Nike sneakers. With a success rate that surpasses 90% on Nike SNKRS across various regions, TSB's promise is nothing short of impressive. The message is clear: if you're serious about sneakers, TSB is the bot to consider.

Consistency is Key

In the sneaker game, consistency matters. TSB's record is commendable, having copped 92 out of 95 hyped releases. From Panda Dunks to the Tiffany and Co. Air Force 1 to the Dunk Lobsters, TSB has proven itself time and time again. Their Twitter feed showcases their success, offering tangible proof of their prowess.

Global Reach

One of TSB's standout features is its expansive reach. The bot supports over 50 Nike SNKRS regions, from the United States to Korea to Norway and beyond. This global approach ensures that users from various parts of the world can leverage TSB's capabilities, broadening their chances of securing coveted releases.

Features Galore

TSB is not just about buying sneakers; it's about offering a comprehensive toolset to enhance the user's experience:

  • Mass Task Creation: Users can create unlimited tasks for every release, maximizing their chances of success.
  • Address Jigger: This feature tweaks the shipping address, allowing users to purchase multiple pairs without risking order cancellations.
  • Account Checker: A crucial tool to ensure all Nike accounts are in order and ready for the drop.
  • Speedy Checkout: TSB employs multi-threaded technology, guaranteeing a swift and seamless checkout process.

Community and Support

TSB's commitment to its user base is evident in its robust support structure. A dedicated team of Discord mods and support staff ensures that users have expert guidance at every step. Additionally, TSB's community offers exclusive discounts on the best proxies and Nike accounts, adding value to the user experience.

Financial Success

The financial accomplishments of TSB users are noteworthy. In just the first six weeks of 2023, TSB users reported a staggering $2 million in reselling profit. Such figures underscore the bot's effectiveness and potential ROI for its users.

Pricing and Accessibility

At $300.00 per year, TSB positions itself as a premium bot in the market. However, given its success rate, global reach, and array of features, many might see it as a worthy investment. The bot is compatible with both Mac and Windows, ensuring a broad user base can benefit.


TheShitBot (TSB) presents itself as more than just a sneaker bot; it's a comprehensive tool designed for sneaker enthusiasts and resellers alike. Its impressive success rate, combined with a plethora of user-centric features, makes it a top contender in the sneaker bot market. For those serious about upping their sneaker game, TSB appears to be a solid choice.


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