Showing 17–26 of 26 results

  • Prism Aio Bot

    Prism AIO

    • Release Calendar: Prism comes with an integrated release calendar, providing users in-bot access to setups, task creation, and monitor inputs. This dramatically reduces setup times from minutes to mere seconds.
    • Group Statistics: With Prism, users no longer need to scroll endlessly through tasks. It offers a consolidated view of key information, including running, carted, failed, and successful tasks.
    • Size Groups: The software allows users to pre-select and group size ranges, making specific size selections hassle-free.
    • Profile Groups: Setting up profiles, especially for power users, can be tedious. But with Prism, users can group their profiles, allowing for mass task creation effortlessly.
    • Site-Specific Options: Prism eliminates the repetitive setup process by allowing users to pre-set their profiles, proxies, sizes, and shipping rates, ensuring a seamless experience.
    • Task Grouping: The bot offers an innovative approach to task group management, keeping users organized during high-pressure releases.
  • Project Enigma Logo

    Project Enigma

    • Nike SNKRS Specialization: Exclusively designed to target limited-edition sneakers on the Nike SNKRS app.
    • Multi-account Support: Enhances chances of success by handling multiple accounts simultaneously, with reports of up to 50 accounts being successful.
    • User Interface: Features a user-friendly design, emphasized in Keen Souls’ review video, which showcases its web-based operation on Google Chrome.
    • Consistent Success: Renowned in the sneaker community for its reliable performance during high-demand releases.
  • qbot

    QBot AIO

    • Revamped User Interface: With its 2.0 version, QBot AIO presents a completely overhauled user experience, ensuring users have access to the latest and most intuitive features.
    • Integrated Analytics: The bot offers a real-time analytics dashboard, allowing users to monitor their purchase history, track expenditures, and manage orders efficiently.
    • Advanced Task Management: QBot 2.0 introduces enhanced task grouping, facilitating simultaneous task execution across multiple supported sites. This feature is particularly beneficial during unexpected product releases and restocks.
    • Broad Geographic Support: While primarily focused on the EU market, QBot AIO also provides support for sites catering to members in Asia and Oceania, showcasing its global reach.
    • Dedicated Customer Support: The bot provides multiple channels of support, including Twitter, email, and an extensive FAQ section, ensuring that users’ queries and concerns are promptly addressed.


    • Automated Efficiency: Scottbot provides a hands-off approach to online reselling and collecting, eliminating the need for manual tracking and allowing users to focus on other tasks.
    • Versatile Compatibility: The software is available for both Windows and Mac users, ensuring a broad range of individuals can utilize its features without compatibility issues.
    • Autonomous Operation: Once tasks are set up within Scottbot, the software runs independently, constantly checking for online restocks. This “set it and leave it” functionality means minimal intervention is required from the user after initial setup.
    • Resource Availability: Scottbot offers a range of resources, including documentation, to assist users in understanding and maximizing the software’s capabilities.
    • Transparent Policies: The platform provides clear terms and conditions and a privacy policy, underscoring its commitment to user trust and transparency.
    • Dedicated Support: Scottbot ensures that users have access to support for any queries or issues they might encounter, emphasizing a user-centric approach.
  • StellarAIO Logo


    • Fast Automation: Designed to swiftly handle the checkout process, ensuring products are secured in record time.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design with both GUI and CLI options, catering to both beginners and experts.
    • Wide Retailer Support: Compatibility with popular big-box retailers, making it a true all-in-one tool for diverse shopping needs.
    • Rapid Checkout: Streamlined checkout process that requires just shipping details, ensuring quick order placement.
    • Wide Compatibility: Supports both Windows and MacOS, ensuring a broad user base can utilize the software.
    • Regional Site Support: Caters to site regions in the United States, Japan, and Canada, with plans for EU and UK expansion.
    • Constant Updates: Regular software updates to enhance performance and adapt to the evolving e-commerce landscape.
  • the-shit-bot


    • Impressive Success Rate: TSB boasts a staggering success rate of over 90% on Nike SNKRS across various regions, making it one of the top bots for sneaker enthusiasts.
    • Global Coverage: The bot supports purchases in over 50 Nike SNKRS regions worldwide, from the United States to Korea and beyond, allowing users to tap into various markets and maximize their chances of copping desired releases.
    • Feature-Rich Experience: TSB offers several unique tools to enhance user success, including mass task creation, an address jigger to avoid order cancellations, a dedicated account checker, and a speedy multi-threaded checkout process.
    • Comprehensive Support: Apart from supporting both SNKRS and FCFS Nike releases, TSB offers tools like the Address Jigger and Account Checker, ensuring users are well-prepared for every drop.
    • Affordable Investment: Priced at $300.00 per year, TSB provides a premium service that, given its success rate and feature set, offers good value for money to serious sneaker enthusiasts.
  • Tidal Marketplace

    Tidal Market

    • Specialized Bot Rental Platform: Tidal Market specializes in offering a system where users can rent their favorite bots without the commitment of purchasing them, making bot access more affordable and flexible.
    • Robust Scam Protections: Prioritizing user safety, Tidal Rentals has robust mechanisms to protect both bot owners and renters from scams. This includes ensuring timely key resets and providing all essential information for successful bot operation.
    • Diverse Bot Offerings: Tidal Market supports a broad range of bots, continuously expanding its list to cater to user demands, ensuring renters have choices suitable for their specific needs.
    • Dedicated Support System: Tidal provides a dedicated support channel for renters. If users face any issues or are unsatisfied with their rental experience, they can easily reach out for personalized assistance.
    • Transparent Pricing with Stripe Integration: Tidal uses a partnered payment system through Stripe, ensuring secure transactions and timely payouts directly to users’ banks or other preferred payout sources.
  • Tohru AIO Logo

    Tohru AIO

    • User-Friendly Design: Tohru is crafted with an intuitive interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users.
    • High-Speed Checkout: Built with a primary focus on speed, Tohru ensures rapid checkouts, maximizing the chances of securing items.
    • Efficient Task Management: The bot offers tools for mass task creation and editing, streamlining the process of setting up multiple shopping tasks.
    • Proxy Management Tools: Users can easily import and organize proxies, ensuring seamless and consistent bot operations.
    • Advanced Captcha Solutions: With multiple solvers and integrated 2captcha support, Tohru simplifies the captcha process, reducing checkout times.
    • Customization Options: The bot allows users to save website logins and custom Shopify sites, ensuring personalized and efficient shopping experiences.
    • Anti-Detection Modules: Tohru’s modules are designed to mimic human behavior, helping users avoid being detected as bots by online retailers.
  • Valor AIO Logo

    Valor AIO

    • User-Friendly: Valor AIO features an intuitive interface suitable for both novices and experts.
    • Task Management: Organized task groups enable efficient management and purchasing.
    • Payment Solutions: The Gift Card Manager helps avoid payment-related issues.
    • Automated Alerts: Its Auto Start Monitor ensures users never miss sneaker restocks.
    • Compatibility: Supports both Windows and macOS.
    • Diverse Website Support: Versatile in its site support, catering to Footsites, Yeezy Supply, Finishline, JD Sports, and with plans to expand further.
  • Wrath Bot Logo

    Wrath Bot

    • Transparent Pricing: Wrath Bot’s renewal license is priced at $350 USD for the initial three months, followed by a $50 monthly renewal fee, offering clarity and predictability in terms of cost.
    • Diverse Site Support: The bot supports a range of shopping platforms, including US & CA Footsites, Supreme, Shopify, and YeezySupply, catering to a wide array of shopping preferences.
    • Advanced Shopping Capabilities: Wrath Bot simplifies the process of securing highly sought-after items, ensuring users have a competitive edge during hyped releases.
    • Shopify Bypass: The bot offers both bot protection and a queue bypass system, particularly for Shopify sites, allowing users to navigate through the shopping process faster.
    • Efficient Task Management: Wrath Bot supports multi-tasking, enabling users to run hundreds of tasks simultaneously without overwhelming the system, ensuring seamless checkouts.
    • User-Friendly Design: Wrath Bot boasts a simple and intuitive user interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced bot users.