What Are The Best Proxies For Cooking Footsites?

How can you be sure you have the best Footsite proxies? Read on to find out.

Footsites are a group of sites that all regularly stock limited items that resale. Footlocker (includes all regions), Eastbay, Champs and Footaction are all footsites. But what proxies should you use when botting them?

So what are the best footsites proxies?

In our opinion the best footsite proxies comes down to the return on investment you get from them and how reliable/consistent they are.

We’ve designed our own footsite proxies, and offer them publicly on BTWProxy.io, to be the lowest priced on the market at only 3€/GB ($3.55/GB).

Not only are they the cheapest, we’ve also managed to deliver consistent successful checkouts (see checkouts on Twitter here).

To be fully transparent, BTWProxy.io is created and owned by BotsThatWork, so despite us having an obvious positive bias towards them, we encourage you to see if you can find any other ones that are better value for money. You probably won’t find any.

If you ever have any questions or run into problems, there is one-on-one support in the BTWproxy Discord server to help you.

Residential or Data centre for footsite proxies?

If you don’t know about residential and data centre proxies then it’s probably best you give these articles a read first: 

https://botsthatwork.com/tips/resi-proxies-sneakers/ https://botsthatwork.com/tips/residential-vs-datacenter-dc-proxies-sneakers/

When botting footsites, the standard proxy type to use is data centre, this is because they used to sell out almost instantly meaning you had to be fast.

However recently footsites have added in a queue system meaning that speed isn’t all that matters. Right now I would recommend using both data centre and residential proxies for footsites drops. I would also advise you to start your tasks before the scheduled drop time (with very high delays) to try and bypass the queue.

Footsites proxies that are not banned is most important

One of the biggest factors you need to consider when buying proxies is that they are not banned on the site you want to bot. On the proxy providers website they should mention the sites they work on, if they don’t, stay clear. Once you have your proxies you can double check they aren’t clipped by testing them. A free proxy tester tool I would recommend is FOGLDN, which you can download for free.

Please also note that for some sites that proxies will appear as live and working however may not work on releases. 

Speeds used to be mandatory but not anymore

As I mentioned earlier, with the new queue system for footsites, speed isn’t always a necessity now. Speeds less than 800ms should be fine for most footsites drops, but remember to use data centre as well.

Reliabilty: Check on your footsite proxies down time

Some providers will have down times in which the proxies will not work, this can mean you could miss out on a really important drop. This is why it’s important to get your proxies from a reliable provider.

Check out our footsite proxies

We know what it takes to be a top quality proxy provider and that’s why you can trust us with your proxies needs. All of our proxies are unbanned on Footsites, Shopify, Adidas and Nike with speeds around 700-800ms.

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